Sunday, March 14, 2010

Chelsee turns 20

My youngest daughter Chelsee turned 20 this week!
What a milestone for all of us. We have no more children that are teenagers any more. WOW! We do have a wonderful teenager granddaughter though.
Here Chelsee is with the "running shoe" cake she designed and decorated herself.
The glow by the heel of the shoe is from the 20 candles!
Feet of Flames!
Chelsee did the Trek up the Tower in Omaha a few weeks ago. She did pretty good, considering she has never done anything like that before. In the women's division she placed 95th out of 601 entries. That is running up over 840 steps in the tallest building between Chicago and Denver I believe. She did it in just a little over 9 minutes. WOW...might take me 9 days! haha


  1. Hello Berny... happy birthday to your youngest! She did a great job on the cake. I agree with you on the running part... oh boy, to see me running...well, it wouldn't be a pretty sight. Oh well, we can give ourselves a break--we could do it when we were 20 years old, right? Right! Are you in mud season yet? We're seeing the snow dissappear around here and we aren't sad about that! I noticed your dishes in the cabinet behind your daughter---they look pretty.

  2. Oh, and who did the painting of the parrott on top of the cabinet--it looks quite striking!

  3. Joy, Thanks for the comments. Snow is disappearing around here only to be replaced by some of the deepest mud we have ever had. Tractor and feedwagon stuck tonight pretty bad, and lost a heifer because of the mud. Tough times, and work, but we are Nebraskans, and we will prevail!
    I did a post about the painting of the parrots, so check out my blog..thanks for the nice comment about the parrots, they are special to me.
    I've missed you and your blogging. I notice you have not been posting much lately, I hope all is well. I know when I get busy with work/projects, or just life happening, I don't get to blog as much, and I miss it when I can't. I really enjoy it, and I enjoy both of your blogs. Berny
