The coldest our home got was 48 degrees inside, we dressed warm, and snuggled in with blankets, warm footie socks which I got for Christmas (thanks Kristin). At one point I had on 4 pair of socks, long johns, flannel pj's (again, thanks Kristin), a t-shirt, long sleeve shirt, and a sweatshirt--nice and cozy! I absolutely have to read each night, so I bent a "snake light" flashlight around my neck and and pointed the light at my book, and enjoyed reading til midnight! I loved it!
Again, thanks to Kristin & Kyle for having a lot of candles at their wedding, we used their candles all around our home to light our way. It looked so pretty, but I don't know how pioneer women got anything done in the evening with that low lighting.
We were without power for about 4 1/2 days, with short intervals 2 evenings with power for a short time. We were able to warm up the house and water all out cattle in that little bit of time. We were up til almost midnight filling water tanks for the cattle, but it was worth it, because the power went out again in a couple hours. I had prepared for the possible power outage by filliing up 5 gallon buckets with water to use for the "plumbing", so we were not without that either. When we lose electricity, we lose everything, heat, water..everything!