This picture makes me chuckle because it's a fib!!! Neither my Mom or I are red headed Chics! A little computer enhancement made us both red heads so that we would fit in with our little granddaughters red head..our little miss has wonderful red curls. Today I dedicate my post to my Mom who celebrates 79 years of wonderful life memories. How can time fly away so fast? It pains me to see my Mom aging before my eyes. She has taught me many things through my life. She has the wonderful ability to see the good in just about any one. It always amazes me. She does not "judge a book by it's cover". She is wonderful at avoiding any topic she does not want to talk about...like the fact that smoking has bad health side affects, but she will tell you just about any bad side affect of anything on the market today. She loves her kids and grand kids and her face lights up when she talks about them. I remember what a hard working farm wife she was. We always had a very, very large garden, and she was responsible for canning the produce from it. Oh the wonderful aromas that used to come from that kitchen. She never complained that I ever remember ...about the fact that we lived in a house with no running water, and no telephone. Many times we did not have a tv. We spent a lot of time playing outside with our parents sitting on the front steps watching us. We played lot's of games and cards...Parcheesi, Rummy, Slap Jack, war, checkers, Monopoly, and many more. I credit her with my love for reading. She was always reading a book, and never said lights out when I stayed up late reading. She always encouraged my brother and I to read, and we both still love to read.
My Mom always was there when I needed her, especially through the pregnancy of my 3 girls, very difficult pregnancies. But she came and took care of me, and never complained about it. I LOVED going shopping with her. We usually went once or twice a month to Fremont, and sometimes Omaha. We would "shop, til we drop". It was some of the most enjoyable shopping. So, a big Happy Birthday MOM...Love you so much, and thanks for everything.
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