2 lb bag powdered sugar
8 oz. package cream cheese at room temperature
1 1/2 capfuls Mint Extract (or whatever flavor you choose)
Food coloring
Mix together, cover and chill in refrigerator
Dip mint molds into granulated sugar, press small amount of mint mixture into mold and push out of mold. Arrange in single layers on was paper until "dry set". Then freeze until day of wedding. I made a decorated card listing the different flavors of mints. We did one color of food coloring per flavor. We even did some "marbled" looking mints, which were very pretty.

(For a closer view, just click on the picture and it will appear larger)
Hey, the eggless chocolate cake---I need to come up with a recipe for an eggless cake or else find a mix in the store. Are you aware of any store bought mix?
ReplyDeleteActually, just a couple of days ago someone told me that there are box mixes for eggless cakes. I know that my hometown does not carry them. Try a larger store. I will look to see if I still have the eggless choc cake recipe, if I do I will post it sometime this weekend.
ReplyDeleteLooking at this again, I like the idea of cupcakes, and 'over the top' cupcakes are 'hot' now. I think it's an easy and fun thing to do. I'd like to work in a bakery except for the part of being to work long before the sun rises...Zzzzz. I'd fall into the batter, but yum, maybe I could eat my mistakes??