Tuesday, July 26, 2011


In today's world everyone seems to think things have to be "perfect". I don't feel that way. There is so much beauty in the world around us, but we need to learn to appreciate what we have, and not worry so much about what we don't have. A simple example of this idea is the picture above that I took a few years ago. Looking at the flower, as a whole it had beautiful color, but close up I can see a few discolored petals, some mishapen parts, but as a whole what a pretty sight. Now if I was looking for 100% perfection I might have passed up this beauty and missed out on such a pretty flower.

I always wish I had the ability like my Mom to look past some of the "rough" edges of people and see the good parts in them.
Every day people face challenges in their lives that make them feel like they are not living the "perfect" life. I beg to differ. The perfect life is meant to present challenges, struggles, and of course wonderful events that create happiness. To appreciate that happiness you must expericence some of the other stuff too.

So keep on looking for those imperfections that are "Perfection", it's what makes life interesting. If we keep looking for only the Perfection in our life, we will miss a lot of wonderful times and moments that are truly PERFECTION! How's that for a mind twister today!

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